The diocesan leaders are:
Roland AKAKPO and Gregoire PLAKOO (left)
Spiritual Advisor: Fr. Damien DEWORNOU (right)
The diocesan leaders are:
Godfroy ANAGONOU and Alphonse ANDELE (left)
Spiritual Advisor: Fr. Émile MIDAHOE (right)
The diocesan leaders are:
Ignace LOKOSSOU founder of CCM in the diocese, and Geniève OLYMPIO (left)
Spiritual Advisor: Fr. Emmanuel AWOUKO (right)
The diocesan leaders are:
Catherine KOMBATE, founder of CCM in the diocese, and Célestin MAGAZIE
Spiritual Advisor:
28 candidates took part the the eighth Cursillo in the Diocese of Lomé on July 19-22, 2012.
A well-organized School is in place, led by Robert Kpotor, founder of the CCM in Togo, and his team. The main mandate of the School is to ensure the integration of new cursillistas, the support to the leaders of Group Reunions and a good understanding of the Fundamental Ideas.
27 candidates, including three from Burkina Faso, attended the 10th Cursillo of the Diocese of Atakpamé (4th Agbandi) held on Januaray 5-8 2012.
At the previous Cursillo (Atakpamé #9) on August 4-7 2011, among team members was Peter OUALBEOGO, from Ouagadougou, from Burkina Faso, and with him were four of his Burkinabe friends. Everything seems in place for an implementation of the MC in a third country of West Africa, from the Diocese of Atakpamé ...
Fr Émile SEGBEDJI, who was studying in France, is back in the diocese of Kpalimé, where he was assigned a double function: of Parish administrator and College director. He resides at about fifty kilometers from Kpalimé so maybe he will be able to reconnect with the cursillo community of Kpalime and offer a helping hand to Father Emmanuel, the actual Spiritual Advisor.
The First Cursillo in the Diocese of Sokodé was held from March 31 to April 3, 2011 in Sotouboua. This implementation was conducted by the CCM of the Diocese of Atakpamé and is the result of a sponsorship made entirely by African cursillistas.
12 candidates took part to the second cursillo weekend at Sotouboua, August 16-19, 2012
Upto now (Summer 2012), the CCM is implemented in 4 dioceses of Togo, and 24 Cursillo weekends were given to a total of 574 candidates.
Having heard about the Cursillo Movement through our website and sponsored by Yves Methot, from the MCFC, Robert KPOTOR, from the Lomé diocese, was a candidate to the first cursillo in Benin, on december 2003. After his cursillo experience he said with great enthusiasm: "I now have but one dream: to see all Togoleses become cursillistas"! Those were not empty words...
To meet the wishes of Robert KPOTOR, the CEI (the Committee put forth by the MCFC to look after requests for implementing the CM in the Francophonie) entrusted to Jean-Pierre Gingras - who, being on the team of that first cursillo in Benin, already knew Robert - the mandate to help him with his project. Jean-Pierre invited Robert KPOTOR to participate as a team member to the second Cursillo in Cotonou and to bring with him a group of friends. Four Togolese from Lomé and three from Atakpamé (in all, five men and three women) took part to the second cursillo W/E in Benin on August 2004
The First Cursillo took place on January 13-17 2005, in the Diocese of Atakpamé. with 51 participants. On the team led by Robert KPOTOR were 6 Togolese, 3 Beninese and 4 Canadians from the MCFC (Germain Grenon, msa, Jean-Pierre Gingras, André Thibodeau and Laurent Lafortune), Worth mentioning, the first Cursillo was held in Atakpamé thanks also to the intervention of two non-cursillistas registered as candidates: Godfroy ANAGONOU, who will play a very important role in the development of the CM in the diocese and beyond borders and Ignatius LOKOSSOU who founded the CM in the diocese of Kpalime.
A month later, the CM was introduced in the diocese of Lomé. Huguette Duclos, of Montreal, joined Germain Grenon, MSA, and Laurent Lafortune to support the team led by Robert KPOTOR and his friend Roland AKAKPO.
The year 2006 saw the foundation of the Cursillo Movement in a third diocese, the Diocese of Kpalimé, plus holding of more cursillo weekends in the dioceses of Lomé and Atakpamé, and the formation of a National Secretariat.
Father Germain Grenon, m.s.a., and Huguette Duclos, members of the CEI, took advantage of their stay of ten weeks from January to March 2006, to focus on training both leaders and new cursillistas. Rollists were helped with their rollos, new cursillistas were trained in Group Reunions and many leaders were taught about the "Fundamental Ideas of the Cursillo Movement". Supporting documents were created.
Cursillo leaders of the new Togo Cursillo Movement manifested a desire to maintain a regular correspondence with Huguette Duclos, A remote monitoring through the Internet was set up allowing them to seek help and information so that the movement be maintained and developed according to the Foundational Charism and the mentality and structures recalled by the "Fundamental Ideas of the Cursillo Movement".
In 2007, a first cursillo whose team was composed entirely of Togolese cursillistas took place in Lomé in March. The same was realized in Kpalimé in April, and in Atakpame in August. Since then, cursillo weekends took place each year in the three dioceses.
Early 2011, the Cursillo Movement was implemented in a fourth diocese in Togo: Sokodé.
Upon his arrival in his new parish Agbandi, 75 km north of Atakpamé, Father Emile MIDAHOE, diocesan spiritual leader, was quick to sponsor candidates in the twelve villages of his pastoral unit. A first Cursillo was held in Agbandi in April 2009 which was attended by some candidates from Sotouboua from the diocese of Sokodé, including Catherine KOMBATE. Around her and Father Emile MIDAHOE, a group was formed which led to the founding of Cursillo in this fourth diocese.
The Cursillo Movement in Togo is present on social networking site since March 2011 (In French) :