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The Cursillo Movement

Christ du CursilloTo live a Cursillo is to discover and experience Jesus Christ. The Cursillo Movement invites christians everywhere to build a world, founded on the rock of human love and friendship.

"An instrument raised up by God for the proclamation of the Gospel in our time" (John-Paul II)


"The tiny seed planted in Spain more than 50 years ago
has become a great tree
laden with fruits of the Spirit"
(John-Paul II, Ultreya 2000)

About Us
Cursillistas are people who have undergone an unforgettable 3-day experience of faith and love... Who gather with friends to deepen this experience... and to work for a better world...
Frequently Asked Questions about the Cursillo Movement. This FAQ remains open to whaever question you may ask.
The experience which spawned the Cursillo Movement was lived in August 1944 in Calas Figuera, on the island of Mallorca (spanish island of the Mediteranean Sea). ...
World Expansion
In its first 20 years of existence, the Cursillo Movement had already reached countries from all over the world. It is active in 60 countries and 1500 dioceses. Moreover...
Upcoming 3-Days Worldwide
Palanca Request for this week and next week 3-day weekends occurring around the world
Cursillo-like Movements
The Cursillo Movement is at the origin of a great number of Renewal Movements, spreading the love of Christ to all kinds of people and across the religious spectrum.