The EPJ Movement is also known internationally as *EMPROISTA*, a word taken from the marine vocabulary and referring to the one who stands watching at the tiller-wheel to alert of dangers and to trace the way on the sea.
EPJ's international emblem is the *Tiller-wheel*. It symbolizes youth vocation to follow the path of Christ
and to trace out the way for others.The Movement "Encuentros de Promoción Juvenil" is an International Private Association of the Christian Faithful officially recognized by Rome for the evangelization of youth.
EPJ (in English: EYP - Encounters of Youth Promotion) is based on the Cursillo method; it makes possible to youth the living-out and mutual sharing of what is fundamental for being a Christian, it helps Christian youngsters to fully realize their vocation, their leadership and their personality, and it creates nuclei of youngsters who will engage in leavening their environments with the Gospel.
Its founder is José Maria Pujadas. He had been previously involved with the Cursillo Movement, initiating it in the diocese of Gerona, Spain, and also in Colombia. In 1968, as Pope Paul VI and the Episcopal Conference of Latin America had insisted that youth be a pastoral priority, Father Pujadas started Encuentros de Promocion Juvenil in Colombia and worked in spreading it throughout Central America. In 1974, he returned to Barcelona, in Spain, and there again started the EPJ Movement. He spent the rest of his live coordinating its implementation on the International level.
Today Encuentros de Promoción Juvenil exists in 14 countries, gathered in four regions, namely:
The above is a translation based on the "EPJ official webpage of Mexico". For more information, see Encuentros de Promoción Juvenil websites.